Brian Coon

Born 50 years ago, Brian Coon, a victim of bad vocational guidance, realised when he was 20 years old that he should have been working in the field of his favourite thing, music. He then decided to become a sound engineer, in order to work indirectly in the field of music. During his studies and early workdays, he fell in love with the technical aspects of sound reproduction at live events as well. Since then, for the last 30 years till the present day, he has kept himself busy with every aspect of live sound and audio. Design and system engineering of audio systems of every size, live sound engineering and mixing in concerts of every kind, sound design for theatre and recordings of every kind. Simultaneously, he managed at last to learn the basics of creating music and songs and, finally, he produces creative output. Lately, he has withdrawn from the commercial side of show business and works only on projects that he likes, express his opinions in general and have a meaning further than profit.